Ranger Services

WA Contract Ranger Services are contracted by the Shire of Trayning and provide an efficient service delivery to the KTY Community.
The Ranger may be contacted via the Shire of Trayning 9683 1001 Mon –Fri 8:30am to 4:00pm.

Ranger Responsibilities

Rangers provide a variety of services aimed at safeguarding our community, including the enforcement of numerous Acts of Parliament, Local Laws and regulations. They also deal with matters such as:

  • Animal Control
  • Firebreaks and fire hazards
  • Litter
  • Off-road vehicles
  • Verge obstruction
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Parking


The Dog Act 1976 and the Shire of Trayning Dogs Local Law address the control and registration of dogs: the ownership and keeping of dogs; and the obligations and rights of people; both as dog owners and non-dog owners.

Who is responsible for a dog?

The owner of the dog is the main person responsible for the dog.
A responsible adult occupying a residence where the dog is ordinarily kept or allowed to live.
A person, who, for the time being, has the control of the dog e.g. a person who is looking after the dog whilst the owner is away.

Dog Registration

A dog owner is legally required to register his or her dog with the Shire if it is more than 3 months old.  The registration period is from 1 November to 31 October of the following year, however, dogs may be registered at any time throughout the year. 

Application for Dog Registration

Registration Type 1 Year 3 Years or Lifetime

The fees for registration of a dog are:                    

Sterilised Unsterilised
Full Price 1 Year $20 $50
Full Price 3 Years $42.50 $120
Lifetime $100 $250
Working Dog 1 Year $15 $37.50
Working Dog 3 Years $31.87 $90
Working Dog lifetime $75  $187.50
Pensioners Dog 1 Year $10 $25
Pensioners Dog 3 Years $21.25 $60
Pensioner Dog lifetime  $50 $125

Proof of sterilisation is needed to claim the concession, (e.g. sterilisation certificate, itemised vet bill or statutory declaration)

New registrations after 31st May (1 Year only) Half of normal price is payable.

Limitation on the number of dogs

Pursuant to the Shire of Trayning’s Local Laws and in accordance with the Dog Act 1976 the following prescribed number of dogs can reside at any one place at the same time:

Townsites: Two (2) dogs over the age of three (3) months and the young of those under that age.
Outside Townsite: Four (4) dogs over the age of three (3) months and the young of those under that age.

Name & Address Tags

All dogs are required under the Dog Act 1976 to wear both a Shire registration tag and a tag displaying their name and their owners name and address.

Wearing of both of these tags enables the Shire dog catcher to easily identify the dog so that owners can be contacted and dogs collected from the pound as soon as possible.

Dog Control

It is a dog owner’s legal obligation to ensure that the dog is kept under control at all times.
Dogs are to be secured at all times behind an adequate fence that will keep them within the boundary of your property.
At any time when the dog is outside of the property boundary it is to be on an approved lead and in the control of a responsible adult.

Barking Dogs

Dog owner’s, or persons responsible for a dog, are to ensure that the dogs under their control do not bark continuously so as to cause a nuisance to neighbours.

For any further information please contact the Shire of Trayning on (08) 9683 1001 during normal office hours.

Offence to Excrete

A dog must not excrete on:-

  • any thoroughfare or other public place
  • any land which is not a public place without the consent of the occupier

Should a dog be seen by an authorised officer committing the above offence a penalty of $200 can be issued against the person liable for the control of the dog. 

This penalty can be avoided only if the offending excreta is removed immediately by that person.

Owners Responsibility

As an owner, you have several responsibilities as outlined by the Dog Act 1976, which states owners must ensure their dog:

  • Wears a collar displaying the owner's name, address and council registration tag when in a public place;
  • Be confined to the premises where it lives;
  • Is held by a competent person capable of controlling a dog on a maximum two meter lead when in a public place;
  • Is exercised on a leash, except in a designated area. Even in designated area, the person in control of the dog must carry a leash and use when required;
  • Registered in the name of one person and that person must be aged 18 years or over.

Households in residential areas are only permitted to house two dogs.

Fines & Penalties

Some of the Infringements that can be imposed upon owners of dogs not complying with the Dog Act 1976 are as follows:

Infringement Fine
Unregistered Dog $200
Dog not on a leash in certain public places $200-$5,000
Dog in public place without consent $200-$5,000
Dog causing a nuisance $200-$5,000
Dog in public place without collar & registration tag $200
Tag with Name & Address of owner not on collar $200
Failure to give notice of new owner $200
Failure to control dog in exercise areas & rural areas $200-$5,000

If your dog attacks a person or another animal, you will be held responsible even if you are not there at the time


 Higher Infringements and Fines are incurred by Declared Dangerous Dogs.

Please note that any of these can be issued even if a dog has not been caught by the dog catcher, so long as it has been sighted committing the offence by a Registered Officer.

Apart from the above penalties, ANY dog caught by the Shire’s dog catcher WILL incur a $115.00 Impounding Fee.  This fee along with registration of the dog where necessary will need to be paid BEFORE dogs can be collected from the pound.

Shire of Trayning Fees

Seizure & Impounding of Dogs $115.00
Dog Pound Maintenance Fee per day (each) $15.00
Release & Surrender $115.00
Destruction of Dog $0

For further information about the operation of the Dog Act 1976 please contact:–

Department of Local Government 1800 620 511 or the Shire.

Cat Act

FROM 1 November 2013, the full Cat Act 2011, took effect and requires all cats that have reached six months of age to be sterilised, microchipped and registered with their Local Government.

Who is responsible for a cat?

The owner of the cat is the main person responsible for the cat.

A responsible adult occupying a residence where the cat is ordinarily kept or allowed to live.

A person, who, for the time being, has the control of the cat e.g. a person who is looking after the cat whilst the owner is away.

All cats that have reached six months of age are required to be:

  • Microchipped;
  • Sterilised; and
  • Registered with the relevant local government.

Your cat will be required to wear a collar and registration tag to ensure they can be easily identified and returned to you if they become lost.

Cat Registration

A cat owner is legally required to register his or her cat with the Shire if it is more than 6 months old.  The registration period is from 1 November to 31 October of the following year; however, cats may be registered at any time throughout the year.

Application for Cat Registration

Registration Type 1 Year 3 Years or Lifetime

The fees for registration of a cat are:

Full Price 1 Year $20
Full Price 3 Years $42.50
Lifetime $100
Pensioners Car 1 Year $10
Pensioners Cat 3 Years $21.25
Pensioners Cat Lifetime $50
Approval to breed $100

Proof of sterilisation is needed to claim the concession, (e.g. sterilisation certificate, itemised vet bill or statutory declaration)

New registrations after 31st May (1 Year only) Half of normal price is payable.

Cat Breeder

Even if you wish to only breed one litter from your cat, you are considered a cat breeder. If you are a current cat breeder or wish to become a breeder, you must apply for a permit from your local government.

These permits are valid for 12 months. A fee is payable. When a cat is sold or given away, you must ensure the cat is microchipped and sterilised prior to transfer. If the cat cannot be sterilised due to its young age, you must provide a prepaid sterilisation voucher to the new owner.

Limitation on the number of cats

Pursuant to the Shire of Trayning’s Local Laws and in accordance with the Cat Act 2011 the following prescribed number of cats can reside at any one place at the same time:

Townsites: Two (2) cats over the age of three (3) months and the young of those under that age.

Outside Townsite: Four (4) cats over the age of three (3) months and the young of those under that age.

Name & Address Tags

All cats are required under the Cat Act 2011 to wear both a Shire registration tag and a tag displaying their name and their owners name and address.

Wearing of both of these tags enables the Shire cat catcher to easily identify the cat so that owners can be contacted and cats collected from the pound as soon as possible.

Cat Control

It is a cat owner’s legal obligation to ensure that the cat is kept under control at all times.

At any time when the cat is outside of the property boundary it is to have the name and address tags on it collar.

Offence to Excrete

A cat must not excrete on:-

  • any thoroughfare or other public place
  • any land which is not a public place without the consent of the occupier

Should a cat be seen by an authorised officer committing the above offence a penalty of $200 can be issued against the person liable for the control of the cat.  This penalty can be avoided only if the offending excreta is removed immediately by that person.

Fines & Penalties

Some of the Infringements that can be imposed upon owners of cats not complying with the Cat Act 2011 are as follows:

Unregistered Cat $200
Cat causing a nuisance $200 - $5,000
Cat in public place without collar & registration tag $200
Tag with name & address of owner not on collar $200
Failure to give notice of new owner $200

Please note that any of these can be issued even if a cat has not been caught by the cat catcher, so long as it has been sighted committing the offence by a Registered Officer.

Apart from the above penalties, ANY cat caught by the Shire’s cat catcher WILL incur a $115.00 Impounding Fee.  This fee along with registration of the cat where necessary will need to be paid BEFORE cats can be collected from the pound.

Shire of Trayning Fees

Seizure & impounding of cats per day (each) $115.00
Cat pound maintenance fee per day (each) $15.00
Release & Surrender $115.00
Destruction of Cat $0

For further information about the operation of the Cat Act 2011 please contact:

Department of Local Government 1800 620 511 or the Shire.