Trayning Post Shop
Offers all your Australia Post Services, as well as a variety of everyday needs.
Open 9-5pm Monday – Friday (closed for lunch 12.30 - 1.30)
Trayning Hotel/Motel
Railway Street
Trayning WA 6488
Phone: 96 831 005
Mobile: 0477 940 784
Situated on the corner of Railway and Mary Street.
There are also 6 Motel units with ensuite available and laundry facilities for all guests.
Starting from $130 per night
Trayning and Districts Sporting Club
Trayning Sporting Club home of the Trayning Bowling Club is situated on the Bencubbin/Kellerberrin Road.
Open Friday nights from 5:00pm.
Phone: 9683 1054
Yelbeni Rural General Store
Now found in The Yelbeni Hall. It is always stocked up with everyday groceries and has fresh fruit, veggies and milk delivered twice a week. You can also find most of your hardware needs.
Yelbeni WA 6487
Phone: 9682 5012
Fax: 9682 5047
Opening Times:
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm. Weekends and public holidays 8.00am to 10.30am.
Trayning Agricultural Repairs
Open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
Repairs and maintenance to any farming machinery and Vehicle Services.
Phone: 9683 1145
Fax: 9683 1149
KTY Community Shop
Open 9.30am-12pm Saturday's Coronation Street Trayning
This shop has new and second hand items from clothes to household goods.
Trayning Caravan Park
Operated by the Shire of Trayning situated on the Bencubbin/Kellerberrin Road Trayning
Powered sites: per night $25.00 per week $120.00
Unpowered sites: $8.00 plus $3.00 per person
3 nights - powered site (Inc, Gym $60.00)
Please contact the Shire of Trayning on 9683 1001
KTY Electrical Service
For all your electrical maintenance requirements whether it is commercial, domestic or rural. Sales and service of hot water systems, telephone extensions, security alarms and lighting, power tool generators, air conditioning installation and service, solarhart, kleenheat gas and satellite TV.
Phone: 9683 2012
Mobile: 0428 832 105
LA and JE Marchant Cartage Contractors Trayning
Modern equipment. Handling and spreading of fertiliser, Lime, Gypsum, Manure and Urea.
JCB Telehandler with Post Hole Digger. Road Train now available for grain and fertiliser cartage.
Contact Larry Mobile 0427 831 081
JM Haulage
Local contracting business specialising in grain, fertiliser, gravel, general freight and machinery cartage. Equipment includes : Grain trailers, side tippers, loader, flattop and Drop deck trailers.
PH: 9683 2043 Mobile: 0427 471 159
Small Business Centre - Central Wheatbelt
This is a Merredin based business which gives free assistance for your Small Business. Confidential and Professional.
Phone: 9041 1211
Mobile: 0419 911 065
QC Ultimate Clean
Commercial & Residential Floor & Upholstery Cleaning
Mobile 0407 383 113
Rosevale Homestead Farm Stay Bed & Breakfast
Families, Tourists and Workers Welcome
753 Purdy Road
South Kununoppin WA 6489
Contact: Narrelle on MOB: 0474 985 837 or email
$125 per night per room.
Wheatbelt Welding & Repairs
Machining, Fabrication and Modifications
Kununoppin WA 6489
Merv and Jan Purdy
Mobile 0408 661647