Information for candidates.


All the information you require if you are thinking of become an Elected Member.

Thinking of becoming an Elected Member?

New requirements candidate eligibility criteria

 Amendments to Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1995 enacted by Parliament in June 2019 will require all persons seeking to nominate for council to complete an induction.

You may not be eligible to stand for election if you have not completed the induction.

The induction will be available on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.

 The Western Australian Local Government Association and local governments, including the Shire of Trayning will be hosting information sessions in the lead up the elections. While prospective candidates are encouraged to attend one or more of these sessions, to be eligible you will be required to complete the induction available on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.


Becoming a Council Member


To nominate to become a Council Member you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Not be disqualified from being an Elected Member under a provision of the Local
  • Government Act 1995;
  • Be an elector of the District (if you are only an elector because you are a nominee of a company then you are not eligible to stand as a candidate);
  • Have a term that ends on Election Day, if you are a current Council Member.

Elections - Take A Stand Why be a Councillor



Prior to nominating, potential candidates should read the Western Australian Electoral Commission's Guide for Candidates and be familiar with eligibility, nomination and disclosure

of gifts requirements. On the assent of the new local government regulations, provisions relating to compulsory candidate induction training will require candidates to complete an online induction prior to submitting a nomination. The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries will provide the induction. Nominations are to be lodged in person with the Shire’s Returning Officer.

The Returning Officer is able to provide further information for prospective candidates including guides and forms for candidates and scrutineers.

Returning Officer may be contacted on 96 831 001.


Further Information

For further candidate information, please refer to the following links:

Western Australian Electoral Commission - Information for Local Government Candidates

Western Australian Electoral Commission - Local Government Forms and Guides (Candidates Pack)

Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries - Local Government Elections Fact Sheets

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries - Candidate Induction Frequently Asked Questions

Local Government Act 1995